Thursday, January 17, 2013

Common sense.

     Some people just don't have any common sense. I was delivering to city hall the other day and they have been remodeling the whole building to make more office space. At the bottom of the stairs there is a sign that says the elevators are out of service. If you need assistance please contact someone. Common sense right??? Wrong!! As I was coming out of the the courts temporary office upstairs I have to pass by the elevator that has a "LARGE"  yellow strip of safety tape across it.( and you know there is one downstairs too) An elderly woman comes out of the elevator and ducks under the tape like it was a normal thing to do. I just keep going and laughing to myself.

     I always remembered growing up that if I thought something was going to hurt me, my common sense would stop me or if I needed to do something a safe way as not to get hurt my common sense would tell me how to do it safer.Apparently some people don't think before they do!! I also did learn some things the hard way. But, common sense told me not to do it again. One of my nephews who was around 5 yrs old at the time decided to urinate behind his house. I here him scream several different times. I come running to him and he is crying at the time. He said every time he would pee in the bushes he got a big shock. I looked around expecting bees or something, instead he was urinating on the electric fence. Me on the other hand one shock would have been enough common sense to tell me not to do it again!!!!

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