Friday, November 9, 2012

Good News!! WOW!!

     I had just gave away my oldest daughter to a great guy over the summer. Our other daughter told us a few weeks after that she was expecting. She will be leaving for Texas next week to get married to her boyfriend. But, as of last night we were informed that my oldest is also expecting. I have gained 2 sons and will be getting 2 grandchildren to boot. Not a bad deal! I am very proud of both my girls.
     So, on a funny note, I have been telling people that after two weddings the only gifts I will be able to afford will be A HUG, A HANDSHAKE or just some ATTITUDE! There will be a lot to go around!

     I got some candid shots in today, a few known faces and a few unknowns. The ones I do know like to smile or "HAM IT UP"

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