Thursday, November 8, 2012

Road Rage( no funny stuff)

     I get to see a lot of unsafe driving habits while working. I have been cut off numerous times. I will be at a stop sign getting ready to turn and another car will go right through a stop sign and I get the dirty look. I am stopping for pedestrians at the cross walks and cars are going around me almost hitting the pedestrian  or when I'm waiting for a car to parallel park or pulling out, cars will go around me. Again , I get a horn or a gesture from the person doing the illegal act. The big difference of you doing those unsafe acts is that if I cause an accident by not following the rules I get fired. you on the other hand get a ticket and go to work the next day. Unless, you seriously hurt someone due to your unsafe driving.

     The scariest time was when I was almost to the end of the street to turn left and there was only room for me due to cars on both sides picking up school kids, when a large truck turns into me, stopping short of hitting head on. The driver yells at me to back up. In my defense I am not to back up unless It is safe to. If I did back up  I would have to go at least fifty yards to turn around and the parents and children are walking all around.. He only needed ten feet to back up. I shook my head no to  him and he proceeds to slam his truck in reverse and drive toward the school without looking. He then speeds down the alley next to the school. If he had waited 2 seconds I would have been out of his way. I could have been "nice" and backed up. But, to do that I would have to to put my truck into park, turn the engine off, get out and walk around my truck to make sure it was clear of people, get back into my truck, start the engine and honk my horn several times. Then proceed to back up SSSLLOOWWLLYY while honking my horn. Try to be safe!

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