I have a lot of people asking for directions, some looking to get out of town, others looking for a good restaurant or business, I can also tell when people are lost. I was delivering on the southside of town when I noticed this car passing me every few minutes, it was stopping every few seconds and the lady was looking around. She finally pulled up to me and asked if I could help. She says " could you tell me where the court house is.. I saw the one down the street but, that wasn't it." I asked her if she had a paper with the address on it. She hands me the paper and it said 3 East Pulteney Square, Bath, NY. I handed her the paper back and said "
You are in the wrong town. This is Corning."
I have also helped people find there own homes. A car pulls up to me and the driver asks if I knew this woman and that she found her wandering down the street looking for her house. The woman was in her eighties or so and It was around 95 degrees out and you could tell it affected her. I finally asked her name and when she told me, her address clicked in my head. I also realized that the woman must have walked a mile or so. To be able to get where she was found, she must have walked a few blocks to get to the train under pass. There is no way to cross at where she lives. They drove off and when the driver came back She told me it was the right house and thanked me.