Do any of you remember growing up and the mailman would deliver the wrong letter to your house. Instead, it belonged to old Mrs. Johnson across the street or Mr. Smith next door. You would more then likely go to there house and hand deliver the piece of mail to that person, and usually strike up a conversation if they were home. If they weren't home you would leave it in their box .The next day Mrs Johnson would thank you several times or bring you a batch of warm homemade cookies.
It was because you knew these people. Your neighbors, people you see every day and not afraid to say hi or lend a hand to help them out. I remember as a kid, I would run around the neighborhood and I knew everyone. It's not that way any more. The postal worker gets yelled at, gets a call at the office, or the mail gets written on in bold letters saying "WRONG ADDRESS"!!! I know we make our mistakes and I or we apologize.
The other day I was delivering near dark and it was hard to see. I had put a letter in an apartment slot. I get to the end of the apartments and finish. A customer comes to me and said I had dropped this letter in his slot and it should have been put in next door. So, you come all the way down to me to give me the letter, when you could have easily put it in the slot right next to you. Even if I wasn't a mailman and I lived there, I would have put it in the slot next door or even knocked and handed them the letter. Not waste my energy to find the mailman.
So the next time something like this happens to you. Knock on that persons door, say hi and introduce yourself.. Explain to them what had happened. Get to know your neighbors, you never know when you might need them. By no means is it any reason for me to make a mistake, but, it does happen.
The photos are from the 2013 Corning parade of lights
If I don't post before Christmas. Have a safe and joyous Holiday!!!!