When I go on vacations or take a few days off I do get missed. Yes, I know it's hard to believe. I deliver this route almost 95% of the time and seeing a new carrier in my place throws you guys a curve ball. Just the other day I was delivering to one of my new customers after I got back from vacation and when I walked in I was talking to her and sorting out her letters. She in turn says "you are missed when your gone" I asked her why and she says that anyone else that delivered while I was off didn't say a word when they came in. I told her after being on the street so long you don't hesitate to say something as long as I'm working and moving. Where the subs are more concerned with getting the mail right. I also have my shortcuts and what the customer expects of me, my subs don't. So, the next time I am off don't hesitate to say something to the sub first.

I have been delivering mail in the Gaffer District( Market and Bridge street businesses) for over 10 yrs. now. When I first started I delivered by address# and business name. As time went by I learned your first and last names. But, still after 10 yrs I don't know every one's name and to me I am "Mailman"," Postman" "Mail guy" Etc. Which, I don't mind at all. A lot of you have let me into your lives, not afraid to tell a life story, happy, sad or funny. I have cried with you, laughed with you. We have jokingly swore at each other and called each other names out of fun, as long as customers aren't around to here us.
To some of you have become my friends not my customers and that's the way I like it.