I finally traded in the green Fiesta. we ended up with a Mazda GLC,a nice little car. This car made it from TN to NY twice. The second trip was the funniest. We had made it to Knoxville,TN, when the car started overheating. We pulled into a motel and I got out to see the problem. When I lifted the hood I was was expecting just the radiator to be low on water. What I saw was the radiator hose on fire. I ran into the motel to get the extinguisher to put it out. OOPS!! I forget to let Ann know the car was on fire. So, I calmly ran back out to the car, opened her door and said "you might want to get out". Ann asks"why?". I then proceeded to tell her "because the car is on fire!" I ended up getting the fire out and removed the hose. ( the whole time Ann is yelling at me because,I didn't tell her the car was on fire first!) WHAT??
The nicest thing that did turn out was when we got a hold of a parts store. At first the man said he didn't have that hose in stock and it would have to be ordered. I told him we didn't have time or the money to wait. It was almost closing time and he went ahead and called to his other store across town(30 miles). They said they had one and they would stay open until we got there. The owner drove me across the city to get that hose and help me get it back on. ( which he didn't have to do.) I thanked him and he says "anything for a fellow serviceman." We stayed the night at the motel and finished our trip.

I am very thankfull for people like that. Ann and I are the same way. I have given people money without asking it back.( I know where you live) I would give the coat or shirt off my back if you needed it. I just expect the same generosity if I need it. Even one of my landlords didn't want us to pay him for three months until I got back to work and I made sure I paid him right away.