Friday, November 2, 2012

  I had taken so many pictures this week so, I thought I would throw some more up today. After dropping my son off to school and taking my wife to work, I went and took shots of market street window displays.
 I got a shot of  Mark, the window cleaner  that keeps the windows clear for viewing. I took a picture of Ernie our local display coordinator last week working on the Connor's display. If you make it during the Holiday season the windows are a sight seeing trip by themselves.

Concerned Citizen

     I finally had a chance to sit down and write. I have been busy doing other things. But I did have a chance to to take some pictures through out the week. Also a question a concerned citizen had for me.

     I was getting mail out of the back of my truck, when a lady came up to me and asked. "Why do the delivery trucks still park in the no parking section of the cross walks when they were made so a pedestrian can be safer??" I said to her that I am the only vehicle aloud to park there, the other  vehicles would get a ticket. Again she asked"WHY??" I told her " I have a FEDERAL vehicle and I can park here." She asked "What makes you special??" Again I said "I have a F-E-D-E-R-A-L vehicle and I have that right"( for now anyway) She just grumbled and walked away.
I also had a new policeman a few years back tell me that I needed to move my truck off the cross walk or I could get a ticket. I actually laughed a little at him.(which I shouldn't have) I proceeded to tell him about being a federal vehicle and if he could locate my registration sticker and licence plates I would gladly accept his ticket for illegal parking. Yep! You guessed it, I don't have either things on my truck. I told him I would be only a minute to drop off this heavy package and I would move. ( I don't think he liked me after that:)
     Right now I have the right as a federal vehicle to park wherever. They could change it some day and I would have to follow the rules. Out of respect I don't park by fire hydrants or in handicap spots. If I have to double park it's because I have a large or heavy parcel.