Sunday, October 14, 2012

Something Punny!

Vases at Vitrix Glass
Growing up,I had a hard time looking people in the eyes when I talked to them. If any of you ever really noticed and looked back when you first met me, I didn't look at you eye to eye. It took working for the post office and my wife to be able to get better and it worked. I still have issues when I meet a new person or customer. So, to help me break the ice I tell little puns and sometimes jokes. If you laughed or even cracked a smile I was in.If, you glared at me I was worried!

One of my favorites

       Here are some of the puns I would say to my business customers, most would get the pun right away, others I would have to say it again. like:

Linda of 94 West Atiques
     I was delivering to the liquor store and asked if business was "pretty loaded!"  I asked the window washer if his job was"paneful"
 I have asked the antique dealers if business was"old"

I even asked the water cooler guy if his job was "fluid"
  I stopped in and asked if the hairstylist if their business was "cut and dry"
 To the jeweler I would ask if his business was "faceted"

A few pieces from the Carder- Steuben Glass shop

This also shows that I do have a sense of humor. I may look grumpy when I work but, I don't need to smile to do my job. I'm more concerned on getting the right address and tripping on something when I walk.
     When you see me on the street with my camera, don't hesitate to stop and talk. Maybe I will take your picture and you will be on my blog. Besides, how often do some of you see a mailman with a camera instead of his satchel?

Scarecrow in front of Beyond Baskets