Well, I'm back. I don't like to take pictures on my breaks in the winter. Too harsh on me and the camera. I got a chance to take some Market Steet pics the last couple days. I am finding out how camera shy people are. Even, if it is the mailman taking their picture.
I also have noticed how weird some people get in general. I was delivering to the Social Security office the other day. A young man around 20 was talking to the guard when I walked in. He was saying he wanted to sign up to the military and since this was a government office he was ready to enlist. He wanted to talk to someone so he could sign up and that they would take him. He said he really wanted to go in the service. I had walked past him to the door I go to to be let in and I got to be part of the conversation. He says " let me talk to him. He has a uniform on, he can sign me up. The guard asked him what he wanted and if it had to do with Social Security. If he didn't he needed to leave. He says "OK! I understand and I'm sorry. You guys have a nice day." As he was walking out the door he says " Hale Hitler" Nice!!!!
The other night I was taking my sons friend home and there were police just a few houses down. I found out today that a man had walked into a residence and started yelling at the man inside. The stranger then left and went to the next house pounding on the door and threatened that person. By the time police came he tried to break in four houses. They finally catch the guy and the judge releases him and he does it again the next day.
There has to be something in the air. Must be spring fever!!
Your stories always make me laugh! Good pics, too. Glad you're back.