Yes!!! I know it's been a while. And again between grandkids, work and taking pictures I have thinned my time out! I'm trying to get more organized and keep this blog going.
The photos on this post are from my shoot I did at I had the privilege to shoot the making of the Wineglass Marathon medallions for 2013.
As for my funny of the day:
I was delivering to my last group of apartments and a woman was unlocking her door. I handed her a piece of mail addressed to her apartment. She looked at it and asked if she could give it back to me. I said it's just a current resident piece of mail. She then asked how she could stop getting this mail at her residence. I told her to either write to the sender or get the number. She then asked if there was a way to stop all her "junk" mail. I said there was an address or number to call to stop all advertisement mail but, I don't have it. She then asked if she called the post office if they would have the number. ( why would we have an address or number to stop delivery??) I said you could try. Then she asks if she could block her mail slot to stop me from putting mail in her apartment. ( she really doesn't want delivery does she??) She kept asking questions in ways to stop the mail and I told her. By this time I had gone to the end of the complex and was heading back to her, I was in full uniform and carrying my satchel and she asks. " Do you work for the post office here???" ( No I just wear a US Postal uniform carrying mail and put mail in boxes and slots for the fun!!)
I had finally got past her and made it to the main office and I asked the manager who the person was I had been talking to. I find out that she is from Canada and comes down about once a month. Now I get all her questioning. Up there they are lucky to get mail 3 days a week, if at all!! Let alone see a mailman!! This is why when I am on Market Street and I run in to Canadians they want a picture of me with them. I am an extinct figure up there!!
I am glad I have a job that is secure for now. Not sure for how long but, hoping till I retire!!
Clayton, where did they make the medallions?
ReplyDeleteKathleen, they were done at Hands On Glass. Her Facebook link is below the first picture.